A Lincoln college student experienced suicidal thoughts and called 988.
Nebraska's Connected Youth Initiative helps young people get access to important health and wellness services and resources.
To access any of the services included on this website – plus so much more – contact the Central Navigator in your area. Text “HELP” to 402-226-5842 or 308-280-8383.

Medicaid for Former Foster Care Youth
Giving peace of mind about health care helps youth focus on school, careers, and important areas to build a successful adult life. Youth who were in foster care at the age of 18 or 19 may be eligible to receive health care coverage until they turn 26.
Youth meeting these eligibility requirements will receive full Medicaid benefits which includes physical health, mental health, vision, and dental coverage.
- Be age 25 or younger
- Received Medicaid at age 18 or 19 (If you're not sure if you received Medicaid benefits at this age, call ACCESSNebraska at (855) 632-7633)
- Were in foster care for at least one day, and under the responsibility of Nebraska or a Nebraska Tribe at the age of 18 or 19
- Not be eligible for or enrolled through another Medicaid category, including: 1) Parent / Caretaker Relatives, 2) Pregnant Women or 3) Blind or Disabled
If you believe you are eligible, you can apply HERE!
To learn more information about Medicaid, visit HERE or download more information HERE!
Suicide Prevention
The Nebraska State Suicide Prevention Coalition is proud to announce the release of a new app to help prevent youth suicide. My Companion is designed to help young people cope with mental health issues and prevent suicide.
My Companion has a variety of features divided into four primary tabs: reflections, connections, resources and emergency. Users will be able to log daily reflections, input contacts who could be reached in an emergency, access resources, submit anonymous tips and easily reach hotlines.
To download My Companion from the Apple App Store, visit apps.apple.com/us/app/my-companion-journal/id1558734264
To get it from Google Play, go to play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nsp.companion
Access Granted
To get connected to free youth-centered sexual health care and resources near you, visit Access Granted, text ACCESS to 844-958-FREE (3733) or connect 24/7 via Facebook Messenger. You can also visit the Access Granted Insta!
Health Care
Health Care Coverage Enrollment Assistors - Nebraskans can sign up for health coverage with the help of Enrollment Assisters. Enrollment Assisters, from local Navigators and Certified Application Counselors (CACs), can answer specific questions about applying for Medicaid and the Health Insurance Marketplace. Assisters can also assist with your application for these programs. Find an enrollment assister near you.
Medicaid to Age 26 - The Affordable Care Act makes sure that Americans have affordable health insurance coverage. One part of the ACA focuses specifically on youth who were formerly in foster care. Many young adults who were in foster care at age 18, or aged out of foster care at 19, may be eligible to receive Medicaid coverage until they are 26. Apply for Medicaid.
Medicaid Expansion in Nebraska - As of October 1, 2021, Medicaid expanded to cover Nebraskans who previously did not qualify. Those being paid up to $1,481/month for a household of 1 and $2,525/month for a household of 3 may be eligible. All Medicaid expansion enrollees have access to all Nebraska Medicaid benefits, including dental, vision, and over-the-counter drug coverage.