Nebraska youth and young adults with prior foster care experience co-created a series of trainings for Foster Parents and the older foster youth that reside in their home(s). These trainings are focused on topics that are important to both Foster Parents and older youth so that they can learn together to achieve success. Foster Parents can earn continuing education credits, too!
The list of training topics include (available in-person as scheduled in Current Opportunities and available online via recorded webinar):
- De-escalation Techniques
- Impact of Drugs on the Body
- Human Trafficking 101
- College Planning & Financial Aid
- Trade Programs & Career Pathways
- Budgeting & Your Money Your Goals
- Youth Thrive™ Protective & Promotive Factors
- Resume-building
- Bring Your “A” Game Workplace Skill-Building
- Insurance 101
- Healthy Relationships
- Consent
- Askable Adults Matter