To access any of the services included on this website – plus so much more – connect to the Central Navigator in your area. If you do not know who that person is, simply text “HELP” to 402-226-5842 or 308-280-8383.
Nebraska's Connected Youth Initiative offers a variety of supportive services for pregnant and/or parenting youth and young families so that the whole family can thrive in their lives together.
Even if your child lives with someone else right now, there are services to help you achieve the goals you set for yourself and your family.
If you between the ages of 14 and 26 and are pregnant and/or parenting, you can partner with a CYI Coach that can help you navigate the challenges of being a parent and help connect you to other services like quality childcare, public assistance, home visiting, respite care, emergency funds, parenting classes, and more! CYI Coaches are knowledgeable about child development and reproductive health, are trauma-sensitive, and know about lots of resources in your community.
You can access CYI Coaching Services by contacting the Central Navigator in your area.
Community Response
Community Response is a system of supports and services for children and families to prevent the unnecessary entry into the child welfare system (e.g., foster care). Community Response is part of a Nebraska Community Prevention System implemented through collaboratives in communities across Nebraska - a system called Bring Up Nebraska.
Every county in Nebraska is served by a Central Navigator to help families navigate services and programs in their community. The Central Navigator is a local person who has experience with all kinds of problems and will listen and get you connected to supports to help you and your family meet your goals.
If you are struggling and looking for assistance, contact your local Central Navigator.
Other Support for Expectant and Parenting Youth & Young Parents
Home Visiting: Home Visiting is a free, voluntary program that supports parents and families just like you! Nebraska Home Visiting is a network across the state; for more information call 402-471-1938 to get connected to a program near you or contact the Central Navigator in your area.
Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies: 24/7 parenting helpline that you can call at 1-800-862-1889.
Women, Infant and Children (WIC): WIC serves pregnant and postpartum young women and children up to age 5. They can provide you with food vouchers, health screens and lead tests. Call 1-800-942-1171 or visit for additional resources. You can also receive assistance in applying for WIC by contacting the Central Navigator in your area.
NE Childcare Referral Network: do you need help finding a childcare provider in your neighborhood? Search for childcare openings at this website.
Nebraska Total Care: Start Smart for Your Baby® is a program for pregnant women and new moms. It is designed to customize the support and care you need for a healthy pregnancy and baby and it will not cost you a thing.
Nebraska Fatherhood Initiative Project: a program that helps re-engage non-custodial and unemployed (or under-employed) fathers with their children and offers support to the whole family.
Carole's House of Hope: located in Omaha, Nebraska, Carole's House of Hope provides transitional living for young women and mothers, ages 19 to 26, who have aged out of foster care or have become homeless. This home-like family environment, paired with innovative programs and services, encourages self-sufficiency and independence, promotes healing and ultimately restores hope. To learn more or apply for the program, contact your CYI Coach, local Central Navigator or reach out here.
National Maternal Mental Health Hotline
For help when it’s needed, call or text the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline
1-833-9-HELP4MOMS (1-833-943-5746).
*TTY Users can use a preferred relay service or dial 711 and then 1-833-943-5746.
Available 24/7, the Hotline provides free, confidential support, resources, and referrals from professional counselors to pregnant and postpartum individuals. Counselors offer support in English and Spanish and interpreter services are available in 60 additional languages.