What We Do
Connected Youth Initiative exists to support transition-aged youth and young adults, ages 14 to 26, in Nebraska, who are living without the support of family and have life experiences that can make transitioning to adulthood feel overwhelming.
We listen to what young people say they need, help them learn to advocate for themselves, and help them make connections to supportive services and providers in their community.
We hope that Nebraska's young people are empowered to create change to improve the quality of life for young people who have experience in foster care, the juvenile justice system, are unhoused or homeless, survivors of human trafficking, and/or who are pregnant or parenting by advocating for better practices and policies, training providers to strengthen local practices, and supporting service providers in the community to implement strength-based, youth-led core programs for transition-aged youth.
We hope that all of Nebraska's transition-aged young people (and their children) have the resources and tools to thrive!
Have something to include on this website?
Email connectedyouth@nebraskachildren.org
SupportAre you between the ages of 14 and 26 and living without the permanent support of family in Nebraska?
Have you experienced even one day in foster care or the juvenile justice/probation system?
Are you homeless or couch-surfing?
Are you pregnant or already a parent?
Are you a survivor of human trafficking?
There is support for you!
Connect with a navigator to find resources in your own community and move toward a life without stress and fear. -
Are you an emerging leader interested in creating change in your community, in Nebraska, or nationwide?
Learn more about upcoming meetings, advocacy events, and training opportunities to be heard and learn new skills.
Our Impact
This data below is from Evaluation of the Connected Youth Initiative: Final Report (2020), an independent evaluation report prepared by WestEd, a nonpartisan, nonprofit research, development, and service agency. For a copy of the full report, click here.
Impact estimates among participants suggest that Connected Youth Initiative participation is associated with the following outcomes: a safe and stable living situation, financial stability, and perceived hope.
Safe and stable living situation
3.80x greater odds
Enough funds for expenses
1.80x greater odds
Savings account
4x greater odds
Perceived hope
13% improvement